JEL-Leading Manufacturer of Clean Robot

워크 검색 동작 순서와 트러블슈팅

9: A wafer cannot be detected when wafer-search is started after cassettes have been changed.

4:ワーク検出最小、 5:最大幅の設定 (WWN、WWM設定) 1:カセット最下段目の設定。(WLO設定) 1:カセット最下段目の設定。(WLO設定) 5:ワーク検出最大幅の設定 (WWM設) 12:ワークサーチ検出幅の読出

Wafer-search operation for multiple cassettes

When executing wafer-search for multiple cassettes, in case the data of each cassette is different, change the data setting first before starting the wafer-search of the cassette.
Set the point of the start position of wafer-search and teach according to cassette in advance.

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